
\[\gdef\op#1{\hat{#1}} \gdef\Liouvillian{\mathcal{L}} \gdef\Re{\operatorname{Re}} \gdef\Im{\operatorname{Im}}\]

How to implement a new propagation method

  • Define a new sub-type of AbstractPropagator type that is unique to the propagation method, e.g. MyNewMethodPropagator. If appropriate, sub-type PiecewisePropagator or PWCPropagator.

  • The high-level propagate and init_prop functions have a mandatory method keyword argument. That argument should receive a Module object for the module implementing a propagation method (e.g., using QuantumPropagators: Cheby; method=Cheby). This ensures that the module or package implementing the method is fully loaded. Internally, init_prop delegates method=module to a positional argument method = Val(nameof(module))

  • Thus, if MyNewMethodPropagator is implemented in a module MyNewMethod, or if it wraps a registered package MyNewMethod, implement a new init_prop method with the following signature:

    function init_prop(
        # ... method-specific keyword arguments
        _...  # ignore other keyword arguments

    Note the method::Val{:MyNewMethod} as the fourth positional (!) parameter. While the public interface for init_prop takes method as a keyword argument, privately init_prop dispatches for different methods as above.

  • If the propagation method is not associated with a module or package, it is also possible to implement a method init_prop with a fourth positional argument with a type of, e.g., ::Val{:my_new_method}. This would allow to call the high-level propagate/init_prop with the keyword argument method=:my_new_method, i.e., passing a name (Symbol) instead of a Module.

  • Implement the remaining methods in The Propagator interface.

  • Test the implementation by instantiating a propagator and calling QuantumPropagators.Interfaces.check_propagator on it.

How to specify the spectral range for a Chebychev propagation

A propagation with method=Cheby requires that the dynamic generator $\op{H}(t)$ be normalized to a spectral range of [-1, 1]. That is, the method needs a (pessimistic) estimate of the "spectral envelope": the minimum and maximum eigenvalue of $\op{H}(t)$ for any point t on the interval of the propagation time grid tlist.

By default, the Chebychev propagator uses heuristics to estimate this spectral envelope. If the spectral envelope is known (either analytically of via a separate numerical exploration of the eigenvalues over the full range of possible controls), the minimum and maximum eigenvalues of $\op{H}(t)$ can be passed as keyword arguments E_min and E_max to propagate or init_prop. Since the Chebychev method is only defined for Hermitian generators, E_min and E_max must be real values. Both values must be given.

Manually specifying E_min and E_max works with the default specrange_method=:auto as well as with the explicit specrange_method=:manual. When calculating the Chebychev coefficients, the given values may still be enlarged by the default specrange_buffer keyword argument in init_prop. If E_min and E_max should be used exactly, pass specrange_buffer=0.

How to define a parameterized control

Parameterized controls are function-like objects with an associated vector of parameter values that must be accessible via QuantumPropagators.Controls.get_parameters.

It is recommended to define a parameterized control as a subtype of QuantumPropagators.Controls.ParameterizedFunction. The packages ComponentArrays and UnPack might be useful in the implementing of a suitable type . For example,

using ComponentArrays
using UnPack: @unpack
using QuantumPropagators.Controls: ParameterizedFunction, get_parameters

struct GaussianControl <: ParameterizedFunction
    parameters::ComponentVector{Float64,Vector{Float64},Tuple{Axis{(A=1, t0=2, sigma=3)}}}

function GaussianControl(; A=1.0, t0=0.0, sigma=1.0)
    return GaussianControl(ComponentVector(; A, t0, sigma))

function (control::GaussianControl)(t)
    @unpack A, t0, sigma = control.parameters
    return A * exp(- (t - t0)^2 / (2 * sigma^2))

# usage

gaussian = GaussianControl(A=2.0, sigma=0.5)
gaussian.parameters.t0 = 5  # shift center from original 0.0

@show get_parameters(gaussian)
println("gaussian(4.5) = $(round(gaussian(4.5); digits=3))")

# output

get_parameters(gaussian) = (A = 2.0, t0 = 5.0, sigma = 0.5)
gaussian(4.5) = 1.213

We could put some extra effort into giving direct property access to all parameters and to provide unicode-aliases for all parameters:

using ComponentArrays
using QuantumPropagators.Controls: ParameterizedFunction, get_parameters

struct GaussianControl <: ParameterizedFunction
    parameters::ComponentVector{Float64,Vector{Float64},Tuple{Axis{(A=1, t0=2, sigma=3)}}}

function GaussianControl(; A=1.0, t0=0.0, t₀=t0, sigma=1.0, σ=sigma)
    return GaussianControl(ComponentVector(; A, t0=t₀, sigma=σ))

function Base.propertynames(g::GaussianControl, private::Bool=false)
    names = (:A, :t0, :t₀, :sigma, :σ)
    return private ? Tuple(union(names, fieldnames(GaussianControl))) : names

function Base.getproperty(g::GaussianControl, name::Symbol)
    unicode_aliases = Dict(:σ => :sigma, :t₀ => :t0)
    getproperty(get_parameters(g), get(unicode_aliases, name, name))

function Base.setproperty!(g::GaussianControl, name::Symbol, value)
    unicode_aliases = Dict(:σ => :sigma, :t₀ => :t0)
        get(unicode_aliases, name, name),

function (control::GaussianControl)(t)
    A, t₀, σ = get_parameters(control)
    return A * exp(- (t - t₀)^2 / (2 * σ^2))

# usage

gaussian = GaussianControl(A=2.0, σ=0.5)
gaussian.t₀ = 5  # shift center from original 0.0

@show get_parameters(gaussian)
println("gaussian(4.5) = $(round(gaussian(4.5); digits=3))")

# output

get_parameters(gaussian) = (A = 2.0, t0 = 5.0, sigma = 0.5)
gaussian(4.5) = 1.213

The QuantumPropagators.Interfaces.check_parameterized_function can be used to verify the implementation of a ParameterizedFunction.