API Reference

This page provides all docstrings locally defined in the QuantumControl package for both private and public symbols. See also the summary of the public API.

QuantumControl exposes local exported and unexported local symbols as well as re-exporting symbols and sub-modules from the QuantumPropagators subpackage and some of its submodules.

The QuantumControl submodules provide additional public functionality. Note that some of the most commonly used symbols from QuantumControl's submodules may also be re-exported at the top-level (such as @optimize_or_load from the QuantumControl.Workflows submodule).

Local Exported Symbols


A full control problem with multiple trajectories.


The trajectories are a list of Trajectory instances, each defining an initial state and a dynamical generator for the evolution of that state. Usually, the trajectory will also include a target state (see Trajectory) and possibly a weight. The trajectories may also be given together with tlist as a mandatory keyword argument.

The tlist is the time grid on which the time evolution of the initial states of each trajectory should be propagated. It may also be given as a (mandatory) keyword argument.

The remaining kwargs are keyword arguments that are passed directly to the optimal control method. These typically include e.g. the optimization functional.

The control problem is solved by finding a set of controls that minimize an optimization functional over all trajectories.


Description of a state's time evolution.


describes the time evolution of the initial_state under a time-dependent dynamical generator (e.g., a Hamiltonian or Liouvillian).

Trajectories are central to quantum control problems: an optimization functional depends on the result of propagating one or more trajectories. For example, when optimizing for a quantum gate, the optimization considers the trajectories of all logical basis states.

In addition to the initial_state and generator, a Trajectory may include data relevant to the propagation and to evaluating a particular optimization functional. Most functionals have the notion of a "target state" that the initial_state should evolve towards, which can be given as the target_state keyword argument. In some functionals, different trajectories enter with different weights [18], which can be given as a weight keyword argument. Any other keyword arguments are also available to a functional as properties of the Trajectory .

A Trajectory can also be instantiated using all keyword arguments.


All keyword arguments used in the instantiation are available as properties of the Trajectory. At a minimum, this includes initial_state, generator, target_state, and weight.

By convention, properties with a prop_ prefix, e.g., prop_method, will be taken into account when propagating the trajectory. See propagate_trajectory for details.


Optimize a quantum control problem.

result = optimize(
    method,  # mandatory keyword argument

optimizes towards a solution of given problem with the given method, which should be a Module implementing the method, e.g.,

using Krotov
result = optimize(problem; method=Krotov)

If check is true (default), the initial_state and generator of each trajectory is checked with check_state and check_generator. Any other keyword argument temporarily overrides the corresponding keyword argument in problem. These arguments are available to the optimizer, see each optimization package's documentation for details.

The callback can be given as a function to be called after each iteration in order to analyze the progress of the optimization or to modify the state of the optimizer or the current controls. The signature of callback is method-specific, but callbacks should receive a workspace objects as the first parameter as the first argument, the iteration number as the second parameter, and then additional method-specific parameters.

The callback function may return a tuple of values, and an optimization method should store these values fore each iteration in a records field in their Result object. The callback should be called once with an iteration number of 0 before the first iteration. The callback can also be given as a tuple of vector of functions, which are automatically combined via chain_callbacks.

If print_iters is true (default), an automatic callback is created via the method-specific make_print_iters to print the progress of the optimization after each iteration. This automatic callback runs after any manually given callback.

All remaining keyword argument are method-specific. To obtain the documentation for which options a particular method uses, run, e.g.,

? optimize(problem, ::Val{:Krotov})

where :Krotov is the name of the module implementing the method. The above is also the method signature that a Module wishing to implement a control method must define.

The returned result object is specific to the optimization method, but should be a subtype of QuantumControl.AbstractOptimizationResult.

using Krotov
result = optimize(problem; method=Krotov, kwargs...)

optimizes the given control problem using Krotov's method, returning a KrotovResult.

Keyword arguments that control the optimization are taken from the keyword arguments used in the instantiation of problem; any of these can be overridden with explicit keyword arguments to optimize.

Required problem keyword arguments

  • J_T: A function J_T(Ψ, trajectories) that evaluates the final time functional from a list Ψ of forward-propagated states and problem.trajectories. The function J_T may also take a keyword argument tau. If it does, a vector containing the complex overlaps of the target states (target_state property of each trajectory in problem.trajectories) with the propagated states will be passed to J_T.

Recommended problem keyword arguments

  • lambda_a=1.0: The inverse Krotov step width λₐ for every pulse.
  • update_shape=(t->1.0): A function S(t) for the "update shape" that scales the update for every pulse.

If different controls require different lambda_a or update_shape, a dict pulse_options must be given instead of a global lambda_a and update_shape; see below.

Optional problem keyword arguments

The following keyword arguments are supported (with default values):

  • pulse_options: A dictionary that maps every control (as obtained by get_controls from the problem.trajectories) to the following dict:

    • :lambda_a: The value for inverse Krotov step width λₐ.
    • :update_shape: A function S(t) for the "update shape" that scales the Krotov pulse update.

    This overrides the global lambda_a and update_shape arguments.

  • chi: A function chi(Ψ, trajectories) that receives a list Ψ of the forward propagated states and returns a vector of states $|χₖ⟩ = -∂J_T/∂⟨Ψₖ|$. If not given, it will be automatically determined from J_T via make_chi with the default parameters. Similarly to J_T, if chi accepts a keyword argument tau, it will be passed a vector of complex overlaps.

  • sigma=nothing: A function that calculates the second-order contribution. If not given, the first-order Krotov method is used.

  • iter_start=0: The initial iteration number.

  • iter_stop=5000: The maximum iteration number.

  • prop_method: The propagation method to use for each trajectory; see below.

  • print_iters=true: Whether to print information after each iteration.

  • store_iter_info=Set(): Which fields from print_iters to store in result.records. A subset of Set(["iter.", "J_T", "∫gₐ(t)dt", "J", "ΔJ_T", "ΔJ", "secs"]).

  • callback: A function (or tuple of functions) that receives the Krotov workspace, the iteration number, the list of updated pulses, and the list of guess pulses as positional arguments. The function may return a tuple of values which are stored in the KrotovResult object result.records. The function can also mutate any of its arguments, in particular the updated pulses. This may be used, e.g., to apply a spectral filter to the updated pulses or to perform similar manipulations. Note that print_iters=true (default) adds an automatic callback to print information after each iteration. With store_iter_info, that callback automatically stores a subset of the printed information.

  • check_convergence: A function to check whether convergence has been reached. Receives a KrotovResult object result, and should set result.converged to true and result.message to an appropriate string in case of convergence. Multiple convergence checks can be performed by chaining functions with . The convergence check is performed after any callback.

  • verbose=false: If true, print information during initialization.

  • rethrow_exceptions: By default, any exception ends the optimization but still returns a KrotovResult that captures the message associated with the exception. This is to avoid losing results from a long-running optimization when an exception occurs in a later iteration. If rethrow_exceptions=true, instead of capturing the exception, it will be thrown normally.

Trajectory propagation

Krotov's method involves the forward and backward propagation for every Trajectory in the problem. The keyword arguments for each propagation (see propagate) are determined from any properties of each Trajectory that have a prop_ prefix, cf. init_prop_trajectory.

In situations where different parameters are required for the forward and backward propagation, instead of the prop_ prefix, the fw_prop_ and bw_prop_ prefixes can be used, respectively. These override any setting with the prop_ prefix. This applies both to the properties of each Trajectory and the problem keyword arguments.

Note that the propagation method for each propagation must be specified. In most cases, it is sufficient (and recommended) to pass a global prop_method problem keyword argument.

using GRAPE
result = optimize(problem; method=GRAPE, kwargs...)

optimizes the given control problem via the GRAPE method, by minimizing the functional

\[J(\{ϵ_{nl}\}) = J_T(\{|ϕ_k(T)⟩\}) + λ_a J_a(\{ϵ_{nl}\})\]

where the final time functional $J_T$ depends explicitly on the forward-propagated states and the running cost $J_a$ depends explicitly on pulse values $ϵ_{nl}$ of the l'th control discretized on the n'th interval of the time grid.

Returns a GrapeResult.

Keyword arguments that control the optimization are taken from the keyword arguments used in the instantiation of problem; any of these can be overridden with explicit keyword arguments to optimize.

Required problem keyword arguments

  • J_T: A function J_T(Ψ, trajectories) that evaluates the final time functional from a list Ψ of forward-propagated states and problem.trajectories. The function J_T may also take a keyword argument tau. If it does, a vector containing the complex overlaps of the target states (target_state property of each trajectory in problem.trajectories) with the propagated states will be passed to J_T.

Optional problem keyword arguments

  • chi: A function chi(Ψ, trajectories) that receives a list Ψ of the forward propagated states and returns a vector of states $|χₖ⟩ = -∂J_T/∂⟨Ψₖ|$. If not given, it will be automatically determined from J_T via make_chi with the default parameters. Similarly to J_T, if chi accepts a keyword argument tau, it will be passed a vector of complex overlaps.

  • J_a: A function J_a(pulsevals, tlist) that evaluates running costs over the pulse values, where pulsevals are the vectorized values $ϵ_{nl}$, where n are in indices of the time intervals and l are the indices over the controls, i.e., [ϵ₁₁, ϵ₂₁, …, ϵ₁₂, ϵ₂₂, …] (the pulse values for each control are contiguous). If not given, the optimization will not include a running cost.

  • gradient_method=:gradgen: One of :gradgen (default) or :taylor. With gradient_method=:gradgen, the gradient is calculated using QuantumGradientGenerators. With gradient_method=:taylor, it is evaluated via a Taylor series, see Eq. (20) in Kuprov and Rogers, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 234108 (2009) [17].

  • taylor_grad_max_order=100: If given with gradient_method=:taylor, the maximum number of terms in the Taylor series. If taylor_grad_check_convergence=true (default), if the Taylor series does not convergence within the given number of terms, throw an an error. With taylor_grad_check_convergence=true, this is the exact order of the Taylor series.

  • taylor_grad_tolerance=1e-16: If given with gradient_method=:taylor and taylor_grad_check_convergence=true, stop the Taylor series when the norm of the term falls below the given tolerance. Ignored if taylor_grad_check_convergence=false.

  • taylor_grad_check_convergence=true: If given as true (default), check the convergence after each term in the Taylor series an stop as soon as the norm of the term drops below the given number. If false, stop after exactly taylor_grad_max_order terms.

  • lambda_a=1: A weight for the running cost J_a.

  • grad_J_a: A function to calculate the gradient of J_a. If not given, it will be automatically determined. See make_grad_J_a for the required interface.

  • upper_bound: An upper bound for the value of any optimized control. Time-dependent upper bounds can be specified via pulse_options.

  • lower_bound: A lower bound for the value of any optimized control. Time-dependent lower bounds can be specified via pulse_options.

  • pulse_options: A dictionary that maps every control (as obtained by get_controls from the problem.trajectories) to a dict with the following possible keys:

    • :upper_bounds: A vector of upper bound values, one for each intervals of the time grid. Values of Inf indicate an unconstrained upper bound for that time interval, respectively the global upper_bound, if given.
    • :lower_bounds: A vector of lower bound values. Values of -Inf indicate an unconstrained lower bound for that time interval,
  • print_iters=true: Whether to print information after each iteration.

  • store_iter_info=Set(): Which fields from print_iters to store in result.records. A subset of Set(["iter.", "J_T", "|∇J_T|", "ΔJ_T", "FG(F)", "secs"]).

  • callback: A function (or tuple of functions) that receives the GRAPE workspace and the iteration number. The function may return a tuple of values which are stored in the GrapeResult object result.records. The function can also mutate the workspace, in particular the updated pulsevals. This may be used, e.g., to apply a spectral filter to the updated pulses or to perform similar manipulations. Note that print_iters=true (default) adds an automatic callback to print information after each iteration. With store_iter_info, that callback automatically stores a subset of the printed information.

  • check_convergence: A function to check whether convergence has been reached. Receives a GrapeResult object result, and should set result.converged to true and result.message to an appropriate string in case of convergence. Multiple convergence checks can be performed by chaining functions with . The convergence check is performed after any callback.

  • x_tol: Parameter for Optim.jl

  • f_tol: Parameter for Optim.jl

  • g_tol: Parameter for Optim.jl

  • show_trace: Parameter for Optim.jl

  • extended_trace: Parameter for Optim.jl

  • show_every: Parameter for Optim.jl

  • allow_f_increases: Parameter for Optim.jl

  • optimizer: An optional Optim.jl optimizer (Optim.AbstractOptimizer instance). If not given, an L-BFGS-B optimizer will be used.

  • prop_method: The propagation method to use for each trajectory, see below.

  • verbose=false: If true, print information during initialization

  • rethrow_exceptions: By default, any exception ends the optimization, but still returns a GrapeResult that captures the message associated with the exception. This is to avoid losing results from a long-running optimization when an exception occurs in a later iteration. If rethrow_exceptions=true, instead of capturing the exception, it will be thrown normally.

Trajectory propagation

GRAPE may involve three types of propagation:

  • A forward propagation for every Trajectory in the problem
  • A backward propagation for every trajectory
  • A backward propagation of a gradient generator for every trajectory.

The keyword arguments for each propagation (see propagate) are determined from any properties of each Trajectory that have a prop_ prefix, cf. init_prop_trajectory.

In situations where different parameters are required for the forward and backward propagation, instead of the prop_ prefix, the fw_prop_ and bw_prop_ prefix can be used, respectively. These override any setting with the prop_ prefix. Similarly, properties for the backward propagation of the gradient generators can be set with properties that have a grad_prop_ prefix. These prefixes apply both to the properties of each Trajectory and the problem keyword arguments.

Note that the propagation method for each propagation must be specified. In most cases, it is sufficient (and recommended) to pass a global prop_method problem keyword argument.


Propagate multiple trajectories in parallel.

result = propagate_trajectories(
    trajectories, tlist; use_threads=true, kwargs...

runs propagate_trajectory for every trajectory in trajectories, collects and returns a vector of results. The propagation happens in parallel if use_threads=true (default). All keyword parameters are passed to propagate_trajectory, except that if initial_state is given, it must be a vector of initial states, one for each trajectory. Likewise, to pass pre-allocated storage arrays to storage, a vector of storage arrays must be passed. A simple storage=true will still work to return a vector of storage results.


Propagate a Trajectory.


propagates initial_state under the dynamics described by traj.generator. It takes the same keyword arguments as QuantumPropagators.propagate, with default values from any property of traj with a prop_ prefix (prop_method, prop_inplace, prop_callback, …). See init_prop_trajectory for details.

Note that method (a mandatory keyword argument in QuantumPropagators.propagate) must be specified, either as a property prop_method of the trajectory, or by passing a method keyword argument explicitly.


Local Unexported Symbols


Set the default provider for automatic differentiation.

QuantumControl.set_default_ad_framework(mod; quiet=false)

registers the given module (package) as the default AD framework.

This determines the default setting for the automatic parameter in the following functions:

The given mod must be a supported AD framework, e.g.,

import Zygote

Currently, there is built-in support for Zygote and FiniteDifferences.

For other packages to be used as the default AD framework, the appropriate methods for make_chi etc. must be defined.

Unless quiet=true, calling set_default_ad_framework will show a message to confirm the setting.

To unset the default AD framework, use


Abstract type for the result object returned by optimize. Any optimization method implemented on top of QuantumControl should subtype from AbstractOptimizationResult. This enables conversion between the results of different methods, allowing one method to continue an optimization from another method.

In order for this to work seamlessly, result objects should use a common set of field names as much as a possible. When a result object requires fields that cannot be provided by all other result objects, it should have default values for these field, which can be defined in a custom Base.convert method, as, e.g.,

function Base.convert(::Type{MyResult}, result::AbstractOptimizationResult)
    defaults = Dict{Symbol,Any}(
        :f_calls => 0,
        :fg_calls => 0,
    return convert(MyResult, result, defaults)

Where f_calls and fg_calls are fields of MyResult that are not present in a given result of a different type. The three-argument convert is defined internally for any AbstractOptimizationResult.


$\gdef\tgt{\text{tgt}}$ $\gdef\tr{\operatorname{tr}}$ $\gdef\Re{\operatorname{Re}}$ $\gdef\Im{\operatorname{Im}}$

List of Submodules

QuantumControl has the following sub-modules:


Re-exported Symbols:


Public Symbols:

Re-exported Symbols:

Public Symbols


Get the derivative of the generator $G$ w.r.t. the control $ϵ(t)$.

μ  = get_control_deriv(generator, control)

returns nothing if the generator (Hamiltonian or Liouvillian) does not depend on control, or a generator

\[μ = \frac{∂G}{∂ϵ(t)}\]

otherwise. For linear control terms, μ will be a static operator, e.g. an AbstractMatrix or an Operator. For non-linear controls, μ will be time-dependent, e.g. a Generator. In either case, evaluate should be used to evaluate μ into a constant operator for particular values of the controls and a particular point in time.

For constant generators, e.g. an Operator, the result is always nothing.

a = get_control_deriv(ampl, control)

returns the derivative $∂a_l(t)/∂ϵ_{l'}(t)$ of the given amplitude $a_l(\{ϵ_{l''}(t)\}, t)$ with respect to the given control $ϵ_{l'}(t)$. For "trivial" amplitudes, where $a_l(t) ≡ ϵ_l(t)$, the result with be either 1.0 or 0.0 (depending on whether ampl ≡ control). For non-trivial amplitudes, the result may be another amplitude that depends on the controls and potentially on time, but can be evaluated to a constant with evaluate.


Get a vector of the derivatives of generator w.r.t. each control.

get_control_derivs(generator, controls)

return as vector containing the derivative of generator with respect to each control in controls. The elements of the vector are either nothing if generator does not depend on that particular control, or a function μ(α) that evaluates the derivative for a particular value of the control, see get_control_deriv.



Public Symbols:

Private Symbols:

Public Symbols


Real-part functional.

J_T_re(Ψ, trajectories; tau=taus(Ψ, trajectories), τ=tau)


\[J_{T,\text{re}} = 1 - F_{\text{re}} \quad\in \begin{cases} [0, 2] & \text{in Hilbert space} \\ [0, 1] & \text{in Liouville space.} \end{cases}\]

All arguments are passed to f_tau while evaluating $F_{\text{re}}$ in F_re.


  • [12] Palao and Kosloff, Phys. Rev. A 68, 062308 (2003)

Square-modulus functional.

J_T_sm(Ψ, trajectories; tau=taus(Ψ, trajectories), τ=tau)


\[J_{T,\text{sm}} = 1 - F_{\text{sm}} \quad\in [0, 1].\]

All arguments are passed to f_tau while evaluating $F_{\text{sm}}$ in F_sm.


  • [12] Palao and Kosloff, Phys. Rev. A 68, 062308 (2003)

State-to-state phase-insensitive functional.

J_T_ss(Ψ, trajectories; tau=taus(Ψ, trajectories); τ=tau)


\[J_{T,\text{ss}} = 1 - F_{\text{ss}} \in [0, 1].\]

All arguments are passed to F_ss.


  • [12] Palao and Kosloff, Phys. Rev. A 68, 062308 (2003)

Running cost for the pulse fluence.

J_a = J_a_fluence(pulsevals, tlist)


\[J_a = \sum_l \int_0^T |ϵ_l(t)|^2 dt = \left(\sum_{nl} |ϵ_{nl}|^2 \right) dt\]

where $ϵ_{nl}$ are the values in the (vectorized) pulsevals, n is the index of the intervals of the time grid, and $dt$ is the time step, taken from the first time interval of tlist and assumed to be uniform.


Convert a functional from acting on a gate to acting on propagated states.

J_T = gate_functional(J_T_U; kwargs...)

constructs a functional J_T that meets the requirements for for Krotov/GRAPE and make_chi. That is, the output J_T takes positional positional arguments Ψ and trajectories. The input functional J_T_U is assumed to have the signature J_T_U(U; kwargs...) where U is a matrix with elements $U_{ij} = ⟨Ψ_i|Ψ_j⟩$, where $|Ψ_i⟩$ is the initial_state of the i'th trajectories (assumed to be the i'th canonical basis state) and $|Ψ_j⟩$ is the result of forward-propagating $|Ψ_j⟩$. That is, U is the projection of the time evolution operator into the subspace defined by the basis in the initial_states of the trajectories.

See also

  • make_gate_chi — create a corresponding chi function that acts more efficiently than the general make_chi.

Return a function that calculates $|χ_k⟩ = -∂J_T/∂⟨Ψ_k|$.

chi = make_chi(
    via=(any(isnothing(t.target_state) for t in trajectories) ? :states : :tau),

creates a function chi(Ψ, trajectories; τ) that returns a vector of states χ with $|χ_k⟩ = -∂J_T/∂⟨Ψ_k|$, where $|Ψ_k⟩$ is the k'th element of Ψ. These are the states used as the boundary condition for the backward propagation propagation in Krotov's method and GRAPE. Each $|χₖ⟩$ is defined as a matrix calculus Wirtinger derivative,

\[|χ_k(T)⟩ = -\frac{∂J_T}{∂⟨Ψ_k|} = -\frac{1}{2} ∇_{Ψ_k} J_T\,;\qquad ∇_{Ψ_k} J_T ≡ \frac{∂J_T}{\Re[Ψ_k]} + i \frac{∂J_T}{\Im[Ψ_k]}\,.\]

The function J_T must take a vector of states Ψ and a vector of trajectories as positional parameters. If via=:tau, it must also a vector tau as a keyword argument, see e.g. J_T_sm). that contains the overlap of the states Ψ with the target states from the trajectories

The derivative can be calculated analytically of automatically (via automatic differentiation) depending on the value of mode. For mode=:any, an analytic derivative is returned if available, with a fallback to an automatic derivative.

If mode=:analytic, return an analytically known $-∂J_T/∂⟨Ψ_k|$, e.g.,

and throw an error if no analytic derivative is known.

If mode=:automatic, return an automatic derivative (even if an analytic derivative is known). The calculation of an automatic derivative (whether via mode=:any or mode=:automatic) requires that a suitable framework (e.g., Zygote or FiniteDifferences) has been loaded. The loaded module must be passed as automatic keyword argument. Alternatively, it can be registered as a default value for automatic by calling QuantumControl.set_default_ad_framework.

When evaluating $|χ_k⟩$ automatically, if via=:states is given , $|χ_k(T)⟩$ is calculated directly as defined above from the gradient with respect to the states $\{|Ψ_k(T)⟩\}$.

If via=:tau is given instead, the functional $J_T$ is considered a function of overlaps $τ_k = ⟨Ψ_k^\tgt|Ψ_k(T)⟩$. This requires that all trajectories define a target_state and that J_T calculates the value of the functional solely based on the values of tau passed as a keyword argument. With only the complex conjugate $τ̄_k = ⟨Ψ_k(T)|Ψ_k^\tgt⟩$ having an explicit dependency on $⟨Ψ_k(T)|$, the chain rule in this case is

\[|χ_k(T)⟩ = -\frac{∂J_T}{∂⟨Ψ_k|} = -\left( \frac{∂J_T}{∂τ̄_k} \frac{∂τ̄_k}{∂⟨Ψ_k|} \right) = - \frac{1}{2} (∇_{τ_k} J_T) |Ψ_k^\tgt⟩\,.\]

Again, we have used the definition of the Wirtinger derivatives,

\[\begin{align*} \frac{∂J_T}{∂τ_k} &≡ \frac{1}{2}\left( \frac{∂ J_T}{∂ \Re[τ_k]} - i \frac{∂ J_T}{∂ \Im[τ_k]} \right)\,,\\ \frac{∂J_T}{∂τ̄_k} &≡ \frac{1}{2}\left( \frac{∂ J_T}{∂ \Re[τ_k]} + i \frac{∂ J_T}{∂ \Im[τ_k]} \right)\,, \end{align*}\]

and the definition of the Zygote gradient with respect to a complex scalar,

\[∇_{τ_k} J_T = \left( \frac{∂ J_T}{∂ \Re[τ_k]} + i \frac{∂ J_T}{∂ \Im[τ_k]} \right)\,.\]


In order to extend make_chi with an analytic implementation for a new J_T function, define a new method make_analytic_chi like so:

QuantumControl.Functionals.make_analytic_chi(::typeof(J_T_sm), trajectories) = chi_sm

which links make_chi for QuantumControl.Functionals.J_T_sm to QuantumControl.Functionals.chi_sm.


Zygote is notorious for being buggy (silently returning incorrect gradients). Always test automatic derivatives against finite differences and/or other automatic differentiation frameworks.


Return a function to evaluate $|χ_k⟩ = -∂J_T(Û)/∂⟨Ψ_k|$ via the chain rule.

chi = make_gate_chi(J_T_U, trajectories; automatic=:default, kwargs...)

returns a function equivalent to

chi = make_chi(
    gate_functional(J_T_U; kwargs...),

\[\begin{split} |χ_k⟩ &= -\frac{∂}{∂⟨Ψ_k|} J_T \\ &= - \frac{1}{2} \sum_i (∇_U J_T)_{ik} \frac{∂ U_{ik}}{∂⟨Ψ_k|} \\ &= - \frac{1}{2} \sum_i (∇_U J_T)_{ik} |Ψ_i⟩ \end{split}\]

where $|Ψ_i⟩$ is the basis state stored as the initial_state of the i'th trajectory, see gate_functional.

The gradient $∇_U J_T$ is obtained via automatic differentiation (AD). This requires that an AD package has been loaded (e.g., using Zygote). This package must either be passed as the automatic keyword argument, or the package must be set as the default AD provider using QuantumControl.set_default_ad_framework.

Compared to the more general make_chi with mode=:automatic, make_gate_chi will generally have a slightly smaller numerical overhead, as it pushes the use of automatic differentiation down by one level.


Return a function to evaluate $∂J_a/∂ϵ_{ln}$ for a pulse value running cost.

grad_J_a = make_grad_J_a(

returns a function so that ∇J_a = grad_J_a(pulsevals, tlist) sets that retrurns a vector ∇J_a containing the vectorized elements $∂J_a/∂ϵ_{ln}$. The function J_a must have the interface J_a(pulsevals, tlist), see, e.g., J_a_fluence.

The parameters mode and automatic are handled as in make_chi, where mode is one of :any, :analytic, :automatic, and automatic is he loaded module of an automatic differentiation framework, where :default refers to the framework set with QuantumControl.set_default_ad_framework.


In order to extend make_grad_J_a with an analytic implementation for a new J_a function, define a new method make_analytic_grad_J_a like so:

make_analytic_grad_J_a(::typeof(J_a_fluence), tlist) = grad_J_a_fluence

which links make_grad_J_a for J_a_fluence to grad_J_a_fluence.


Private Symbols


Backward boundary states $|χ⟩$ for functional J_T_ss.

χ = chi_ss(Ψ, trajectories; tau=taus(Ψ, trajectories), τ=tau)

calculates the vector of states χ according to

\[|χ_k⟩ = -\frac{∂ J_{T,\text{ss}}}{∂ ⟨Ψ_k(T)|} = \frac{1}{N} w_k τ_k |Ψ^{\tgt}_k⟩\,,\]

with $|Ψ^{\tgt}_k⟩$, $τ_k$ and $w_k$ as defined in f_tau.

Note: this function can be obtained with make_chi(J_T_ss, trajectories).


State-to-state phase-insensitive fidelity.

F_ss(Ψ, trajectories; tau=taus(Ψ, trajectories), τ=tau)


\[F_{\text{ss}} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} w_k |τ_k|^2 \quad\in [0, 1]\]

with $N$, $w_k$ and $τ_k$ as in f_tau.


  • [12] Palao and Kosloff, Phys. Rev. A 68, 062308 (2003)

Backward boundary states $|χ⟩$ for functional J_T_re.

χ chi_re(Ψ, trajectories; tau=taus(Ψ, trajectories), τ=tau)

calculates the vector of states χ according to

\[|χ_k⟩ = -\frac{∂ J_{T,\text{re}}}{∂ ⟨Ψ_k(T)|} = \frac{1}{2N} w_k |Ψ^{\tgt}_k⟩\]

with $|Ψ^{\tgt}_k⟩$ and $w_k$ as defined in f_tau.

Note: this function can be obtained with make_chi(J_T_re, trajectories).


Backward boundary states $|χ⟩$ for functional J_T_sm.

χ = chi_sm(Ψ, trajectories; tau=taus(Ψ, trajectories), τ=tau)

calculates the vector of states χ according to

\[|χ_k⟩ = -\frac{\partial J_{T,\text{sm}}}{\partial ⟨Ψ_k(T)|} = \frac{1}{N^2} w_k \sum_{j}^{N} w_j τ_j |Ψ_k^{\tgt}⟩\]

with $|Ψ^{\tgt}_k⟩$, $τ_j$ and $w_k$ as defined in f_tau.

Note: this function can be obtained with make_chi(J_T_sm, trajectories).


Average complex overlap of the target states with forward-propagated states.

f_tau(Ψ, trajectories; tau=taus(Ψ, trajectories), τ=tau)


\[f_τ = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} w_k τ_k\]


\[τ_k = ⟨Ψ_k^\tgt|Ψ_k(T)⟩\]

in Hilbert space, or

\[τ_k = \tr[ρ̂_k^{\tgt\,\dagger} ρ̂_k(T)]\]

in Liouville space, where $|Ψ_k⟩$ or $ρ̂_k$ are the elements of Ψ, and $|Ψ_k^\tgt⟩$ or $ρ̂_k^\tgt$ are the target states from the target_state field of the trajectories. If tau/τ is given as a keyword argument, it must contain the values τ_k according to the above definition. Otherwise, the $τ_k$ values will be calculated internally, see taus.

$N$ is the number of trajectories, and $w_k$ is the weight attribute for each trajectory. The weights are not automatically normalized, they are assumed to have values such that the resulting $f_τ$ lies in the unit circle of the complex plane. Usually, this means that the weights should sum to $N$.


  • [12] Palao and Kosloff, Phys. Rev. A 68, 062308 (2003)

Overlaps of target states with propagates states, calculated in-place.

taus!(τ, Ψ, trajectories; ignore_missing_target_state=false)

overwrites the complex vector τ with the results of taus(Ψ, trajectories).

Throws an ArgumentError if any of trajectories have a target_state of nothing. If ignore_missing_target_state=true, values in τ instead will remain unchanged for any trajectories with a missing target state.


Overlaps of target states with propagates states

τ = taus(Ψ, trajectories)

calculates a vector of values $τ_k = ⟨Ψ_k^{tgt}|Ψ_k⟩$ where $|Ψ_k^{tgt}⟩$ is the traj.target_state of the $k$'th element of trajectories and $|Ψₖ⟩$ is the $k$'th element of Ψ.

The definition of the τ values with $Ψ_k^{tgt}$ on the left (overlap of target states with propagated states, as opposed to overlap of propagated states with target states) matches Refs. [12] and [19].

The function requires that each trajectory defines a target state. See also taus! for an in-place version that includes well-defined error handling for any trajectories whose target_state property is nothing.


Square-modulus fidelity.

F_sm(Ψ, trajectories; tau=taus(Ψ, trajectories), τ=tau)


\[F_{\text{sm}} = |f_τ|^2 = \left\vert\frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} w_k τ_k\right\vert^2 = \frac{1}{N^2} \sum_{k=1}^{N} \sum_{j=1}^{N} w_k w_j τ̄_k τ_j \quad\in [0, 1]\,,\]

with $w_k$ the weight for the k'th trajectory and $τ_k$ the overlap of the k'th propagated state with the k'th target state, $τ̄_k$ the complex conjugate of $τ_k$, and $N$ the number of trajectories.

All arguments are passed to f_tau to evaluate $f_τ$.


  • [12] Palao and Kosloff, Phys. Rev. A 68, 062308 (2003)

Real-part fidelity.

F_re(Ψ, trajectories; tau=taus(Ψ, trajectories), τ=tau)


\[F_{\text{re}} = \Re[f_{τ}] = \Re\left[ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} w_k τ_k \right] \quad\in \begin{cases} [-1, 1] & \text{in Hilbert space} \\ [0, 1] & \text{in Liouville space.} \end{cases}\]

with $w_k$ the weight for the k'th trajectory and $τ_k$ the overlap of the k'th propagated state with the k'th target state, and $N$ the number of trajectories.

All arguments are passed to f_tau to evaluate $f_τ$.


  • [12] Palao and Kosloff, Phys. Rev. A 68, 062308 (2003)

Analytic derivative for J_a_fluence.

∇J_a = grad_J_a_fluence(pulsevals, tlist)

returns the ∇J_a, which contains the (vectorized) elements $2 ϵ_{nl} dt$, where $ϵ_{nl}$ are the (vectorized) elements of pulsevals and $dt$ is the time step, taken from the first time interval of tlist and assumed to be uniform.



Re-exported Symbols:


Public Symbols:

Re-exported Symbols:

Public Symbols


Check an amplitude in a Generator in the context of optimal control.

@test check_amplitude(
    ampl; tlist, for_gradient_optimization=true, quiet=false

verifies that the given ampl is a valid element in the list of amplitudes of a Generator object. This checks all the conditions of QuantumPropagators.Interfaces.check_amplitude. In addition, the following conditions must be met.

If for_gradient_optimization:

The function returns true for a valid amplitude and false for an invalid amplitude. Unless quiet=true, it will log an error to indicate which of the conditions failed.


Check the dynamical generator in the context of optimal control.

@test check_generator(
    generator; state, tlist,
    for_expval=true, for_pwc=true, for_time_continuous=false,
    for_parameterization=false, for_gradient_optimization=true,
    atol=1e-15, quiet=false

verifies the given generator. This checks all the conditions of QuantumPropagators.Interfaces.check_generator. In addition, the following conditions must be met.

If for_gradient_optimization:

The function returns true for a valid generator and false for an invalid generator. Unless quiet=true, it will log an error to indicate which of the conditions failed.



Public Symbols:

Private Symbols:

Public Symbols


An amplitude determined by a pulse parameterization.

That is, $a(t) = a(ϵ(t))$ with a bijective mapping between the value of $a(t)$ and $ϵ(t)$, e.g. $a(t) = ϵ^2(t)$ (a SquareParameterization). Optionally, the amplitude may be multiplied with an additional shape function, cf. ShapedAmplitude.

ampl = ParameterizedAmplitude(control; parameterization)

initializes $a(t) = a(ϵ(t)$ where $ϵ(t)$ is the control, and the mandatory keyword argument parameterization is a PulseParameterization. The control must either be a vector of values discretized to the midpoints of a time grid, or a callable control(t).

ampl = ParameterizedAmplitude(control; parameterization, shape=shape)

initializes $a(t) = S(t) a(ϵ(t))$ where $S(t)$ is the given shape. It must be a vector if control is a vector, or a callable shape(t) if control is a callable.

ampl = ParameterizedAmplitude(control, tlist; parameterization, shape=shape)

discretizes control and shape (if given) to the midpoints of tlist before initialization.

ampl = ParameterizedAmplitude(
    amplitude, tlist; parameterization, shape=shape, parameterize=true

initializes $ã(t) = S(t) a(t)$ where $a(t)$ is the input amplitude. First, if amplitude is a callable amplitude(t), it is discretized to the midpoints of tlist. Then, a control $ϵ(t)$ is calculated so that $a(t) ≈ a(ϵ(t))$. Clippling may occur if the values in amplitude cannot represented with the given parameterization. Lastly, ParameterizedAmplitude(control; parameterization, shape) is initialized with the calculated control.

Note that the tlist keyword argument is required when parameterize=true is given, even if amplitude is already a vector.


Private Symbols


Re-exported Symbols:


Re-exported Symbols:


Public Symbols:

Public Symbols


Run optimize and store the result, or load the result if it exists.

result = @optimize_or_load(

runs result = optimize(problem; method, kwargs...) and stores result in file in the JLD2 format. Note that the method keyword argument is mandatory.

In addition to the result, the data in the output file can also contain metadata. By default, this is "script" with the file name and line number of where @optimize_or_load was called, as well as data from the dict metadata mapping arbitrary (string) keys to values. Lastly, the data contains truncated captured output (up to 1kB of both the beginning and end of the output) from the optimization.

If logfile is given as the path to a file, both stdout and stderr from optimize are redirected into the given file.

If file already exists (and force=false), load the result from that file instead of running the optimization, and print any (truncated) captured output.

All other kwargs are passed directly to optimize.

For methods that support this, @optimize_or_load will set up a callback to dump the optimization result to file in case of an unexpected program shutdown, see set_atexit_save_optimization.

Related Functions

  • run_or_load — a function for more general long-running calculations.
  • load_optimization: Function to load a file produced by @optimize_or_load

Run some code and write the result to file, or load from the file if it exists.

data = run_or_load(
    save=(endswith(file, ".jld2") ? JLD2.save_object : FileIO.save),
    load=(endswith(file, ".jld2") ? JLD2.load_object : FileIO.load),
) do
    data = Dict()  # ...  # something that can be saved to / loaded from file
    return data

runs the code in the block and stores data in the given file. If file already exists, skip running the code and instead return the data in file.

If force is True, run the code whether or not file exists, potentially overwriting it.

With verbose=true, information about the status of file will be shown as @info.

The data returned by the code block must be compatible with the format of file and the save/load functions. When using JLD2.save_object and JLD2.load_object, almost any data can be written, so this should be particularly safe. More generally, when using FileIO.save and FileIO.load, see the FileIO registry for details. A common examples would be a DataFrame being written to a .csv file.

See also


Write an optimization result to file.

save_optimization(file, result; metadata=nothing)

writes the result obtained from a call to optimize to the given file in JLD2 format. If given, metadata is a dict of additional data that will be stored with the result. The metadata dict should use strings as keys.

See also
