
Cited References

The following references are cited in the documentation. The bibliography is produced with

C. Brif, R. Chakrabarti and H. Rabitz. Control of quantum phenomena: past, present and future. New J. Phys. 12, 075008 (2010).
M. H. Goerz, S. C. Carrasco and V. S. Malinovsky. Quantum Optimal Control via Semi-Automatic Differentiation. Quantum 6, 871 (2022).
D. J. Tannor. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: A Time-Dependent Perspective. University Science Books, Sausalito, California (2007).
G. von Winckel and A. Borzì. Computational techniques for a quantum control problem with H$^1$-cost. Inverse Problems 24, 034007 (2008).
M. Goerz. Optimization of a Controlled Phasegate for Ultracold Calcium Atoms in an Optical Lattice. Diplomarbeit, Freie Universität Berlin (2010).
M. Goerz. Optimizing Robust Quantum Gates in Open Quantum Systems. Phd thesis, Universität Kassel (2015).
H. A. Fürst, M. H. Goerz, U. G. Poschinger, M. Murphy, S. Montangero, T. Calarco, F. Schmidt-Kaler, K. Singer and C. P. Koch. Controlling the transport of an ion: Classical and quantum mechanical solutions. New J. Phys. 16, 075007 (2014).

Other References

The following are non-cited references (everything in the .bib file), included here to show how bibliographies are rendered for various types of materials. The list of references is produced with

M. H. Goerz, T. Calarco and C. P. Koch. The quantum speed limit of optimal controlled phasegates for trapped neutral atoms. J. Phys. B 44, 154011 (2011).
M. Tomza, M. H. Goerz, M. Musiał, R. Moszynski and C. P. Koch. Optimized production of ultracold ground-state molecules: Stabilization employing potentials with ion-pair character and strong spin-orbit coupling. Phys. Rev. A 86, 043424 (2012).
M. H. Goerz, D. M. Reich and C. P. Koch. Optimal control theory for a unitary operation under dissipative evolution. New J. Phys. 16, 055012 (2014).
M. H. Goerz, E. J. Halperin, J. M. Aytac, C. P. Koch and K. B. Whaley. Robustness of high-fidelity Rydberg gates with single-site addressability. Phys. Rev. A 90, 032329 (2014).
G. Jäger, D. M. Reich, M. H. Goerz, C. P. Koch and U. Hohenester. Optimal quantum control of Bose-Einstein condensates in magnetic microtraps: Comparison of GRAPE and Krotov optimization schemes. Phys. Rev. A 90, 033628 (2014).
M. H. Goerz, G. Gualdi, D. M. Reich, C. P. Koch, F. Motzoi, K. B. Whaley, J. Vala, M. M. Müller, S. Montangero and T. Calarco. Optimizing for an arbitrary perfect entangler. II. Application. Phys. Rev. A 91, 062307 (2015).
P. Watts, J. Vala, M. M. Müller, T. Calarco, K. B. Whaley, D. M. Reich, M. H. Goerz and C. P. Koch. Optimizing for an arbitrary perfect entangler: I. Functionals. Phys. Rev. A 91, 062306 (2015).
M. H. Goerz, K. B. Whaley and C. P. Koch. Hybrid Optimization Schemes for Quantum Control. EPJ Quantum Technol. 2, 21 (2015).
M. H. Goerz, F. Motzoi, K. B. Whaley and C. P. Koch. Charting the circuit QED design landscape using optimal control theory. npj Quantum Inf 3, 37 (2017).
A. A. Setser, M. H. Goerz and J. P. Kestner. Local gradient optimization of modular entangling sequences. Phys. Rev. A 97, 062339 (2018).
M. H. Goerz and K. Jacobs. Efficient optimization of state preparation in quantum networks using quantum trajectories. Quantum Sci. Technol. 3, 045005 (2018).
M. H. Goerz, D. Basilewitsch, F. Gago-Encinas, M. G. Krauss, K. P. Horn, D. M. Reich and C. P. Koch. Krotov: A Python implementation of Krotov's method for quantum optimal control. SciPost Phys. 7, 080 (2019).
M. H. Goerz, M. A. Kasevich and V. S. Malinovsky. Quantum optimal control for atomic fountain interferometry. In Proc. SPIE 11700, Optical and Quantum Sensing and Precision Metrology (2021).
G. Raithel, A. Duspayev, B. Dash, S. C. Carrasco, M. H. Goerz, V. Vuletić and V. S. Malinovsky. Principles of tractor atom interferometry. Quantum Sci. Technol. 8, 014001 (2022).
S. C. Carrasco, M. H. Goerz, Z. Li, S. Colombo, V. Vuletić and V. S. Malinovsky. Extreme Spin Squeezing via Optimized One-Axis Twisting and Rotations. Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 064050 (2022).
M. H. Goerz, M. A. Kasevich and V. S. Malinovsky. Robust Optimized Pulse Schemes for Atomic Fountain Interferometry. Atoms 11, 36 (2023).
D. J. Tannor and Y. Jin. Design of Femtosecond Pulse Sequences to Control Photochemical Products. In Mode Selective Chemistry, editors, J. Jortner, R. D. Levine and B. Pullman, 333–345. Springer (1991).
M. B. Giles. An extended collection of matrix derivative results for forward and reverse mode automatic differentiation. Technical Report NA-08-01, Oxford University Computing Laboratory (2008).
C.-H. Huang and H.-S. Goan. Robust quantum gates for stochastic time-varying noise. Phys. Rev. A 95, 062325 (2017).
A. İmamoğlu and K. B. Whaley. Photoactivated biological processes as quantum measurements. Phys. Rev. E 91, 022714 (2015).
L. C. Evans. An Introduction to Mathematical Optimal Control Theory. Lecture Notes, University of California, Berkeley (1983).
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E. Jones, T. Oliphant, P. Peterson and others. SciPy: Open source scientific tools for Python. (2001–).